Tuesday, March 14, 2023

The 2023 Paultacular Bruene Awards

Hello and welcome to the twelfth and once again annual Paultacular Bruene awards. After last year's double sized (or, really, like 1.5x sized) awards covering both 2020 and 2021, we're back to our regularly scheduled vanity project. My zero readers are, I'm sure, ecstatic, joyous, even ebullient.

As usual, here's the format. We (for a generous interpretation of the word "we") are going to go through a bunch of categories, some traditional film awards categories and a few of my own invention. There's a new category debuting this year, we'll see if it lasts or if it's just auditing the course. For each category, I'll list my top five (the "contenders") from 2022, and I'll then crown a winner. As of this writing I've seen 56 films from 2022, so I think it's fair to say I've seen most, but not all, of the relevant movies from the year. Well, except for the horror movies, those I haven't seen. Sorry, Barbarian.

So without much further ado...the Pauls!